GSW horizontal .GSG vertical centrifugal pump
Product overview
1:GSW/GSG clean water pump is used for transporting clean water and other liquids with physical and chemical proper,ties similar to clean water. Itis suitable for industry and cityWater supply, and drainage, garden irrigation, fire pressuri .zation, hvac refrigeratign cycle bathroom, heating and cooling water cycle pressurization and equipment matching, servicerature
2,:GRWIGRG hot water pump is suitable for metallyurgy, chemical industry, textile, paper making, hotel andotherboilersntwatergressurizationcyclorusetemperaturet20Cor
3:N/Gchenpump, for transport does nocontaini solid particles, corrosive, viscosity similartowaterliquid,suitableforpetroleum.chemicalMetaflurgical,foodandpharmaceutical and synthetic fiber and other occasions. Oper
4:GSWB/GSGB for cast iron, GHWB/GHGB for stainless steel, explosion- proof pipeline pump can be used to transportgasoline kerosene diesel oil and other oilClass a products or flammable, explosive liquid, transport medium tempera
5: GSWD/GSGD low speed centrifugal pump, adapt to the requirements of environmental noise is very low occasions.perating temperature≤120C.
Scope of performance
Head 8~ 150 (m) Pipe diameter 40~ 500 (mm) Flow rate6~1450 (m/h) Motor power0.75~160 (kw) Speed2900/1450 (r/min)