
Stainless steel corrosion resistant self-priming p

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tainless steel crrosion- resistant diret self- priming pump



Open impeller can be used to treat sewage and microThe liquid of the substance, after the first use of water injection, does not need to be usedAdd water beforestarting medium temperature20 C to 120 CEthylene propylene rubber/F46 fluorine plasticFluoro rubber/silicon carbide/alloy/mechanical seal

Performance limits

Water pump part of the use of 304 or 316Lstainless steel castings for the extraction of thematerial is not obvious corrosion of the mediumcan be widely used in sewage treatment,environmental protection projects foodprocessing and other purposes.

Detailed introduction
tainless steel crrosion- resistant diret self- priming pump tainless steel crrosion- resistant diret self- priming pump tainless steel crrosion- resistant diret self- priming pump tainless steel crrosion- resistant diret self- priming pump


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