
Stainless steel corrosion resistant centifugal pum

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stainless steel corrosion resistant centifugal pump



The pumps are suitable for transportingclean media which are non- aggressiveto stainless steel 304or316L.

Performance limits

The use of the pump refers to the performance table range to prevent the motorOverload, causing danger.

EPDM rubber 1 F46 fluorine plasticFluorine rubber/ silicon carbide 1 alloyMechanical seal:

Transmission medium temperature: .20 C~ +120 C

Detailed introduction
stainless steel corrosion resistant centifugal pump stainless steel corrosion resistant centifugal pump stainless steel corrosion resistant centifugal pump stainless steel corrosion resistant centifugal pump stainless steel corrosion resistant centifugal pump stainless steel corrosion resistant centifugal pump


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Address:Room 712, zhihe building, no.2, wuheng, dongkeng, xintang town, zengcheng district, guangzhou    Tel:020-32176647

