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Precautions for use of sewage pump
time:2020-04-11 14:18:28 hits:578

One:if the sewage pump has any small fault remember that the sewage pump can not let it work. If the pump shaft packing after complete wear to add in time, if continue to use the pump will leak. The direct effect of this is to increase the energy consumption of the motor and damage the impeller.

Two:if the sewage pump in the use of the process of strong vibration must stop to check what is the reason, otherwise it will also cause damage to the pump.

Three:when the sewage pump bottom valve leakage, some people will pump valve accessories with dry soil into the pump inlet pipe, water to the end of the valve, such a practice is not desirable. Because when the dry soil is put into the inlet pipe and when the pump begins to work, it enters the pump and damages the impeller and the bearings, which shortens the service life of the pump. When the bottom valve leakage must be taken to repair, if it is serious then it needs to be replaced.

Four:after the use of sewage pump must pay attention to maintenance, for example, when the pump is used up to put the water in the pump clean, it is best to be able to remove the water pipe and then rinse with water.

Five: the sewage pump tape should also be removed, and then rinse with water after drying in the light, do not put the tape in a dark and humid place. The water pump tape must not be stained with oil, not on the tape coated with some sticky things.

Six: to carefully check whether there are cracks in the impeller, impeller fixed on the bearing is loose, if there are cracks and loose phenomenon to timely maintenance, if there is soil above the sewage pump impeller to clean up.

Seven:the water pump and pipe joint must be sealed, because if there is debris into the words will cause damage to the sewage pump.

Eight:the bearing on the sewage pump is also the key point of inspection, after using the bearing to check whether there is wear, if the pump used for a long time, the small ball bearings in the bearing will be broken, so when the pump is used after the best on the bearing is coated with a layer of lubricating oil to better protect the pump bearings.

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